Instructions for deliveries from and to Greece via Econt API

  1. Introduction

    All requests should be sent as HTTP request type POST.

    Authentication using SSL client certificates is currently not supported, but you can use an SSL connection. For the XML API you have to authorize in the request body. For the JSON/SOAP API, your credentials should be provided as BASIC authentication header in the HTTP request.

    There are test(demo) and production environments. You can create your own account and use the same credentials for the API auth.
    Registration for test environment:
    Registration for prod environment:

    URL endpoints for services differ only by the base domain URL. In the examples below you should replace BASE_URL with the corresponding from the list below.

    Base URL for JSON/SOAP API environment:

    Base URL for the XML API environment:

    Additional information and fields descriptions are available in the official API documentation.

    In this guide we will be using JSON and XML examples. If you want to implement SOAP you can check the official documentation at the link above.

  2. Extracting countries data

    This data is not mandatory and may be omitted.
    Using JSON
    Request @ BASE_URL/Nomenclatures/NomenclaturesService.getCountries.json
    	"countries": [
    			"id": null,
    			"code2": "GR",
    			"code3": "GRC",
    			"name": "Гърция",
    			"nameEn": "Greece",
    			"isEU": true

    Using XML
    Request @ BASE_URL/xml_service_tool.php
    					<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    					<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    		<zone_name>Зона I Централна Гърция, Пелопонос, Евия</zone_name>
    		<zone_name_en>Зона I Централна Гърция, Пелопонос, Евия</zone_name_en>

  3. Extracting cities data

    Important: When creating shipments you have to provide from this service either: (id) OR (post code and name) for JSON and (post code and name) for XML APIs.

    Using JSON
    Request @ BASE_URL/Nomenclatures/NomenclaturesService.getCities.json
    	"cities": [
    			"id": 55978,
    			"country": {
    				"id": null,
    				"code2": "GR",
    				"code3": "GRC",
    				"name": "Гърция",
    				"nameEn": "Greece",
    				"isEU": true
    			"postCode": "10431",
    			"name": "ΑΘΗΝΑ",
    			"nameEn": "ATHINA",
    			"regionName": "ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ",
    			"regionNameEn": "ATTIKIS",
    			"phoneCode": "0",
    			"location": null,
    			"expressCityDeliveries": false
    			"id": 55980,
    			"country": {
    				"id": null,
    				"code2": "GR",
    				"code3": "GRC",
    				"name": "Гърция",
    				"nameEn": "Greece",
    				"isEU": true
    			"postCode": "54248",
    			"name": "ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ",
    			"nameEn": "THESSALONIKI",
    			"regionName": "ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ",
    			"regionNameEn": "THESSALONIKIS",
    			"phoneCode": "0",
    			"location": null,
    			"expressCityDeliveries": false

    Using XML
    Request @ BASE_URL/xml_service_tool.php
    					<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    					<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    			<updated_time>2021-09-28 10:22:20</updated_time>
    			<hub_name>ACS Greece</hub_name>
    			<hub_name_en>ACS Greece</hub_name_en>

  4. Extracting offices data

    Using JSON
    Request @ BASE_URL/Nomenclatures/NomenclaturesService.getOffices.json
    	"offices": [
    			"id": 34692,
    			"code": "500913",
    			"isMPS": false,
    			"isAPS": false,
    			"name": "Thessaloniki Sfageia",
    			"nameEn": "Thessaloniki Sfageia",
    			"phones": [
    			"emails": [
    			"address": {
    				"id": null,
    				"city": {
    					"id": 55980,
    					"country": {
    						"id": 1084,
    						"code2": "GR",
    						"code3": "GRC",
    						"name": "Гърция",
    						"nameEn": "Greece",
    						"isEU": true
    					"postCode": "54248",
    					"name": "ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ",
    					"nameEn": "THESSALONIKI",
    					"regionName": null,
    					"regionNameEn": null,
    					"phoneCode": null,
    					"location": null,
    					"expressCityDeliveries": null
    				"fullAddress": " ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 26 october №150",
    				"quarter": null,
    				"street": "26 october",
    				"num": "150",
    				"other": "",
    				"location": {
    					"latitude": 40.649100802087,
    					"longitude": 22.904096534805,
    					"confidence": 3
    				"zip": null
    			"info": "",
    			"currency": "EUR",
    			"language": null,
    			"normalBusinessHoursFrom": 1633672800000,
    			"normalBusinessHoursTo": 1633705200000,
    			"halfDayBusinessHoursFrom": 1633672800000,
    			"halfDayBusinessHoursTo": 1633687200000,
    			"shipmentTypes": [
    			"partnerCode": "",
    			"hubCode": "500913",
    			"hubName": "Thessaloniki Sfageia",
    			"hubNameEn": "Thessaloniki Sfageia"

    Using XML
    Request @ BASE_URL/xml_service_tool.php
    					<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    					<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    			<name>Thessaloniki Sfageia</name>
    			<name_en>Thessaloniki Sfageia</name_en>
    			<address> ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 26 october №150</address>
    			<address_en> THESSALONIKI 26 october №150</address_en>
    				<street_name>26 october</street_name>
    				<street_name_en>26 october</street_name_en>
    			<updated_time>2021-07-08 11:32:23</updated_time>
    			<hub_name>Thessaloniki Sfageia</hub_name>
    			<hub_name_en>Thessaloniki Sfageia</hub_name_en>

  5. Creating a shipment from Bulgaria to Greece

    Using JSON
    Request @ BASE_URL/Shipments/LabelService.createLabel.json
    	"label": {
    		"senderClient": {
    			"name": "Фирма ЕООД",
    			"nameEn": "Firma EOOD",
    			"phones": [
    			"email": "",
    			"skypeAccounts": [],
    			"clientNumber": "",
    			"clientNumberEn": "",
    			"juridicalEntity": "",
    			"personalIDType": "",
    			"personalIDNumber": "",
    			"companyType": "",
    			"ein": "123456789",
    			"ddsEinPrefix": "BG",
    			"ddsEin": "BG123456789",
    			"registrationAddress": "",
    			"molName": "Ivan Ivanov",
    			"molEGN": "",
    			"molIDNum": ""
    		"senderAgent": {
    			"name": "Петър Петров",
    			"nameEn": "Petar Petrov",
    			"phones": [
    			"email": ""
    		"senderAddress": {
    			"city": {
    				"id": "",
    				"country": {
    					"code3": "BGR"
    				"postCode": "9000",
    				"name": "Варна",
    				"nameEn": "Varna"
    			"fullAddress": "",
    			"quarter": "",
    			"street": "ул. Иван Вазов",
    			"num": "1",
    			"other": ""
    		"senderOfficeCode": "",
    		"receiverClient": {
    			"name": "MARIA PANAGIOTIDI",
    			"nameEn": "MARIA PANAGIOTIDI",
    			"phones": [
    			"email": ""
    		"receiverAgent": "",
    		"receiverAddress": {
    			"city": {
    				"id": "",
    				"country": {
    					"code3": "GRC"
    				"postCode": "26221",
    				"name": "ΠΑΤΡΑ",
    				"nameEn": "PATRA",
    				"regionName": "ΑΧΑΪΑΣ",
    				"regionNameEn": "ACHAIAS"
    			"fullAddress": "",
    			"quarter": "",
    			"street": "Athinon",
    			"num": "147",
    			"other": "",
    			"zip": "26442" //it is recommended to provide ZIP code
    			//which is different than the city post code
    		"receiverOfficeCode": "",
    		"packCount": 1,
    		"shipmentType": "PACK",
    		"weight": 1.5,
    		"shipmentDescription": "description of the contents",
    		"orderNumber": "ORD-1234567",
    		"sendDate": "",
    		"holidayDeliveryDay": "workday",
    		"paymentSenderMethod": "cash"
    	"requestCourierTimeFrom": "",
    	"requestCourierTimeTo": "",
    	"mode": "create"
    	"label": {
    		"shipmentNumber": "3000000008980",
    		"storageOfficeName": null,
    		"storagePersonName": null,
    		"createdTime": 1634824369000,
    		"sendTime": null,
    		"deliveryTime": null,
    		"shipmentType": "pack",
    		"packCount": 1,
    		"shipmentDescription": "description of the contents",
    		"weight": 1.5,
    		"senderDeliveryType": null,
    		"senderClient": null,
    		"senderAgent": null,
    		"senderOfficeCode": null,
    		"senderAddress": null,
    		"receiverDeliveryType": null,
    		"receiverClient": null,
    		"receiverAgent": null,
    		"receiverOfficeCode": null,
    		"receiverAddress": null,
    		"cdCollectedAmount": 0,
    		"cdCollectedCurrency": "",
    		"cdCollectedTime": null,
    		"cdPaidAmount": 0,
    		"cdPaidCurrency": "",
    		"cdPaidTime": null,
    		"totalPrice": 15,
    		"currency": "BGN",
    		"discountPercent": 0,
    		"discountAmount": -0,
    		"discountDescription": "",
    		"senderDueAmount": 15,
    		"receiverDueAmount": 0,
    		"otherDueAmount": 0,
    		"deliveryAttemptCount": 0,
    		"previousShipmentNumber": "",
    		"services": [
    				"type": "C",
    				"description": "Колетна пратка до зона Солун - до 2 кг",
    				"count": 1,
    				"paymentSide": "SENDER",
    				"price": 15,
    				"currency": "BGN"
    		"nextShipments": [],
    		"trackingEvents": [],
    		"pdfURL": "http:\/\/\/ee\/api_export.php?exportMethod=printLoading&loading_num=3000000008980&_key=d20169a26114f226bf0b312752e9f93f6613c688",
    		"expectedDeliveryDate": 1635022800000,
    		"returnShipmentURL": "https:\/\/\/return_shipment.php?_key=a27db65fc37964249ac09c8dbfe1c64781d465e6&return_shipment_num=3000000008980"
    	"blockingPaymentURL": null

    Using XML
    Request @ BASE_URL/xml_parcel_import2.php
    					<?xml version="1.0"?>
    		<!-- can contain multiple <row>'s -->
    				<name>Фирма ЕООД</name>
    				<name_person>Петър Петров</name_person>
    				<street>ул. Иван Вазов</street>
    				<!-- it is recommended to provide ZIP code below -->
    				<name>MARIA PANAGIOTIDI</name>
    				<description>description of the contents</description>
    					<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  6. Creating a shipment from Greece to Bulgaria

    Using JSON
    Request @ BASE_URL/Shipments/LabelService.createLabel.json
    	"label": {
    		"senderClient": {
    			"name": "MARIA PANAGIOTIDI",
    			"nameEn": "MARIA PANAGIOTIDI",
    			"phones": [
    			"email": ""
    		"senderAgent": "",
    		"senderAddress": {
    			"city": {
    				"id": "",
    				"country": {
    					"code3": "GRC"
    				"postCode": "26221",
    				"name": "ΠΑΤΡΑ",
    				"nameEn": "PATRA",
    				"regionName": "ΑΧΑΪΑΣ",
    				"regionNameEn": "ACHAIAS"
    			"fullAddress": "",
    			"quarter": "",
    			"street": "Athinon",
    			"num": "147",
    			"other": "",
    			"zip": "26442"
    		"senderOfficeCode": "",
    		"receiverClient": {
    			"name": "Фирма ЕООД",
    			"nameEn": "Firma EOOD",
    			"phones": [
    			"email": "",
    			"skypeAccounts": [],
    			"clientNumber": "",
    			"clientNumberEn": "",
    			"juridicalEntity": "",
    			"personalIDType": "",
    			"personalIDNumber": "",
    			"companyType": "",
    			"ein": "123456789",
    			"ddsEinPrefix": "BG",
    			"ddsEin": "BG123456789",
    			"registrationAddress": "",
    			"molName": "Ivan Ivanov",
    			"molEGN": "",
    			"molIDNum": ""
    		"receiverAgent": {
    			"name": "Петър Петров",
    			"nameEn": "Petar Petrov",
    			"phones": [
    			"email": ""
    		"receiverAddress": {
    			"city": {
    				"id": "",
    				"country": {
    					"code3": "BGR"
    				"postCode": "9000",
    				"name": "Варна",
    				"nameEn": "Varna"
    			"fullAddress": "",
    			"quarter": "",
    			"street": "ул. Иван Вазов",
    			"num": "1",
    			"other": ""
    		"receiverOfficeCode": "",
    		"packCount": 1,
    		"shipmentType": "PACK",
    		"weight": 1.5,
    		"shipmentDescription": "description of the contents",
    		"orderNumber": "ORD-1234567",
    		"sendDate": "",
    		"holidayDeliveryDay": "workday",
    		"paymentSenderMethod": "cash"
    	"requestCourierTimeFrom": "",
    	"requestCourierTimeTo": "",
    	"mode": "create"
    	"label": {
    		"shipmentNumber": "1051603058843",
    		"storageOfficeName": null,
    		"storagePersonName": null,
    		"createdTime": 1635145800000,
    		"sendTime": null,
    		"deliveryTime": null,
    		"shipmentType": "pack",
    		"packCount": 1,
    		"shipmentDescription": "description of the contents",
    		"weight": 1.5,
    		"senderDeliveryType": null,
    		"senderClient": null,
    		"senderAgent": null,
    		"senderOfficeCode": null,
    		"senderAddress": null,
    		"receiverDeliveryType": null,
    		"receiverClient": null,
    		"receiverAgent": null,
    		"receiverOfficeCode": null,
    		"receiverAddress": null,
    		"cdCollectedAmount": 0,
    		"cdCollectedCurrency": "",
    		"cdCollectedTime": null,
    		"cdPaidAmount": 0,
    		"cdPaidCurrency": "",
    		"cdPaidTime": null,
    		"totalPrice": 7.93,
    		"currency": "EUR",
    		"discountPercent": 0,
    		"discountAmount": -0,
    		"discountDescription": "",
    		"senderDueAmount": 7.93,
    		"receiverDueAmount": 0,
    		"otherDueAmount": 0,
    		"deliveryAttemptCount": 0,
    		"previousShipmentNumber": "",
    		"services": [
    				"type": "C",
    				"description": "Колетна пратка от зона Солун - до 2 кг",
    				"count": 1,
    				"paymentSide": "SENDER",
    				"price": 7.93,
    				"currency": "EUR"
    		"nextShipments": [],
    		"trackingEvents": [],
    		"pdfURL": "http:\/\/\/ee\/api_export.php?exportMethod=printLoading&loading_num=1051603058843&_key=2aa7958979402bbd3dd2f652ca95254c5b6c6260",
    		"expectedDeliveryDate": 1635368400000,
    		"returnShipmentURL": "https:\/\/\/return_shipment.php?_key=eb1eef9c264512cded558cac9d0991e3dae45d5f&return_shipment_num=1051603058843"
    	"blockingPaymentURL": null

    Using XML
    Request @ BASE_URL/xml_parcel_import2.php
    					<?xml version="1.0"?>
    		<!-- can contain multiple <row>'s -->
    				<name>MARIA PANAGIOTIDI</name>
    				<name>Фирма ЕООД</name>
    				<name_person>Петър Петров</name_person>
    				<street>ул. Иван Вазов</street>
    				<description>description of the contents</description>
    					<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  7. Creating a shipment with additional services to Greece

    Using JSON
    Request @ BASE_URL/Shipments/LabelService.createLabel.json
    	"label": {
    		"senderClient": {
    			"name": "Фирма ЕООД",
    			"nameEn": "Firma EOOD",
    			"phones": [
    			"email": "",
    			"skypeAccounts": [],
    			"clientNumber": "",
    			"clientNumberEn": "",
    			"juridicalEntity": "",
    			"personalIDType": "",
    			"personalIDNumber": "",
    			"companyType": "",
    			"ein": "123456789",
    			"ddsEinPrefix": "BG",
    			"ddsEin": "BG123456789",
    			"registrationAddress": "",
    			"molName": "Ivan Ivanov",
    			"molEGN": "",
    			"molIDNum": ""
    		"senderAgent": {
    			"name": "Петър Петров",
    			"nameEn": "Petar Petrov",
    			"phones": [
    			"email": ""
    		"senderAddress": {
    			"city": {
    				"id": "",
    				"country": {
    					"code3": "BGR"
    				"postCode": "9000",
    				"name": "Варна",
    				"nameEn": "Varna"
    			"fullAddress": "",
    			"quarter": "",
    			"street": "ул. Иван Вазов",
    			"num": "1",
    			"other": ""
    		"senderOfficeCode": "",
    		"receiverClient": {
    			"name": "MARIA PANAGIOTIDI",
    			"nameEn": "MARIA PANAGIOTIDI",
    			"phones": [
    			"email": ""
    		"receiverAgent": "",
    		"receiverAddress": {
    			"city": {
    				"id": "",
    				"country": {
    					"code3": "GRC"
    				"postCode": "26221",
    				"name": "ΠΑΤΡΑ",
    				"nameEn": "PATRA",
    				"regionName": "ΑΧΑΪΑΣ",
    				"regionNameEn": "ACHAIAS"
    			"fullAddress": "",
    			"quarter": "",
    			"street": "Athinon",
    			"num": "147",
    			"other": "",
    			"zip": "26442" //it is recommended to provide ZIP code
    			//which is different than the city post code
    		"receiverOfficeCode": "",
    		"packCount": 1,
    		"shipmentType": "PACK",
    		"weight": 1.5,
    		"shipmentDescription": "description of the contents",
    		"orderNumber": "ORD-1234567",
    		"sendDate": "",
    		"holidayDeliveryDay": "workday",
    		"paymentReceiverMethod": "cash",
    		"services": {
    			"declaredValueAmount": 199.99,
    			"declaredValueCurrency": "EUR",
    			"cdAmount": 199.99,
    			"cdType": "get",
    			"cdCurrency": "EUR",
    			"cdPayOptions": {
    				"method": "office",
    				"officeCode": 9005,
    				"client": {
    					"name": "Петър Петров",
    					"nameEn": "Petar Petrov",
    					"phones": [
    					"email": ""
    	"requestCourierTimeFrom": "",
    	"requestCourierTimeTo": "",
    	"mode": "create"
    	"label": {
    		"shipmentNumber": "3000000009000",
    		"storageOfficeName": null,
    		"storagePersonName": null,
    		"createdTime": 1635154953000,
    		"sendTime": null,
    		"deliveryTime": null,
    		"shipmentType": "pack",
    		"packCount": 1,
    		"shipmentDescription": "description of the contents",
    		"weight": 1.5,
    		"senderDeliveryType": null,
    		"senderClient": null,
    		"senderAgent": null,
    		"senderOfficeCode": null,
    		"senderAddress": null,
    		"receiverDeliveryType": null,
    		"receiverClient": null,
    		"receiverAgent": null,
    		"receiverOfficeCode": null,
    		"receiverAddress": null,
    		"cdCollectedAmount": 0,
    		"cdCollectedCurrency": "",
    		"cdCollectedTime": null,
    		"cdPaidAmount": 0,
    		"cdPaidCurrency": "",
    		"cdPaidTime": null,
    		"totalPrice": 18.85,
    		"currency": "EUR",
    		"discountPercent": 0,
    		"discountAmount": 0,
    		"discountDescription": "",
    		"senderDueAmount": 0,
    		"receiverDueAmount": 18.85,
    		"otherDueAmount": 0,
    		"deliveryAttemptCount": 0,
    		"previousShipmentNumber": "",
    		"services": [
    				"type": "C",
    				"description": "Колетна пратка до зона Солун - до 2 кг",
    				"count": 1,
    				"paymentSide": "RECEIVER",
    				"price": 7.93,
    				"currency": "EUR"
    				"type": "OC",
    				"description": "Обявена стойност",
    				"count": 199.99,
    				"paymentSide": "RECEIVER",
    				"price": 1,
    				"currency": "EUR"
    				"type": "CD",
    				"description": "Наложен платеж",
    				"count": 391.15,
    				"paymentSide": "RECEIVER",
    				"price": 9.92,
    				"currency": "EUR"
    		"nextShipments": [],
    		"trackingEvents": [],
    		"pdfURL": "http:\/\/\/ee\/api_export.php?exportMethod=printLoading&loading_num=3000000009000&_key=db0622300dd4961c2c96df40450d62bb40a6605d",
    		"expectedDeliveryDate": 1635368400000,
    		"returnShipmentURL": "https:\/\/\/return_shipment.php?_key=f0765ac9e4dfc22c26aea81eda7dcba290f92830&return_shipment_num=3000000009000"
    	"blockingPaymentURL": null

    Using XML
    Request @ BASE_URL/xml_parcel_import2.php
    					<?xml version="1.0"?>
    		<!-- can contain multiple <row>'s -->
    				<name>Фирма ЕООД</name>
    				<name_person>Петър Петров</name_person>
    				<street>ул. Иван Вазов</street>
    				<!-- it is recommended to provide ZIP code below -->
    				<name>MARIA PANAGIOTIDI</name>
    				<description>description of the contents</description>
    				<cd type="GET">199.99</cd>
    					<name>Петър Петров</name>
    					<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>